Hej, i have the following problem:
i have a .hbs file with this code:
{{#if this.showRamCpuSettings}}
and in the route i have the following code:
import Route from '@ember/routing/route';
import {
} from '@ember/object';
export default Route.extend({
showRamCpuSettings: false,
queryParams: {
widget: ''
model(params) {
if (params.widget == 'ramcpu') {
set(this, "showRamCpuSettings", true);
console.log("showRamCpuSettings: " + this.showRamCpuSettings); //output: showRamCpuSettings: true
actions: {
resetRoute() {
const routeName = this.get('widgetsettings');
goal: if i get to the page i will parse a widgetName and i want to show different components at the end depends on the queryparams.
the console.log says to me that this.showRamCpuSettings is true. but the #if still shows me only “lol” (else). do someone know what i am doing wrong ?