Not fully understanding ember-cli-mirage


  • ember-cli: version 2.18.2
  • ember-cli-mirage: version 0.4.10

I’ve been diving into acceptance tests and using Mirage to implement my JSON-API back-end. Everything seemed to be going in the right direction until I ran into an issue where it seems an Mirage endpoint is not getting called, as expected.

As a contrived example, I have two models: house and bathroom. And their app/models definitions are:

// app/models/house.js
export default DS.Model.extend({
  bathrooms: DS.hasMany("bathroom")

// app/models/bathroom.js
export default DS.Model.extend({
  house DS.belongsTo("house")

And, running locally, and debugging with the Ember Inspector, I can see the following snippet resolve as expected:

bathrooms = house.get("bathrooms");

I can see the network request generated is GET /houses/:id/bathrooms. However, when I’m running my acceptance test, and trying to debug the same code path bathrooms does not get populated as expected even though I have a Mirage endpoint api.get("/houses/:id/bathrooms", (db, request)...

I know my bathrooms are getting generated because in my house Mirage factory I have the following:

afterCreate(house, server) {

  server.create("bathroom", { house });
  server.create("bathroom", { house });


And I verified their existence in the test:

const bathroomRecords = server.db.bathrooms;

Even the output looked correct, especially the houseId.

I can’t help but to think I’m missing something, but what that is currently escapes me.

Any assistance will be greatly appreciated. I don’t need the answer, per se, just a location where I can find the answer.

Thank you for your time.

If you haven’t already, you’ll need to call setupMirage() in your acceptance tests:

  import { setupApplicationTest } from 'ember-qunit';
+ import { setupMirage } from 'ember-cli-mirage/test-support';

  module('Acceptance | Homepage test', function(hooks) {
+   setupMirage(hooks);

    test('my first test', async function(assert) {
      // test code

Check out the docs for more info.

In the future if you find Mirage not seeming to work, you can always drop a console.log in your mirage/config.js or even a route handler to verify that code is getting run.

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@samselikoff Thank you for your suggestions. I will double-check Mirage is setup and I’ll add console.log statements.

Does it matter that we’re using mocha in this project? I don’t think it does since, using my examples, the API call for GET /houses/:id appears to be working.

I’ll report back…

Another thing I’d look it is whether the links of the house record is correct in the Mirage response. If it doesn’t match the one of your actual back-end, this might be the problem you’re facing.

I recommend adding this.server.logging = true in the test you’re debugging to see the responses from Mirage handlers. You can then check links.bathrooms of the house.

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@melriffe This is actually done in the Query params chapter of the Rock and Roll book and I know you’re a reader :slight_smile: so you can check out an example there.

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:grin: Thanks for the feedback. I’ll definitely have a look at the book. However, as changing priorities are ever a challenge, I’ve had to table this current situation for the moment.