ember-cli: 2.13.2 node: 7.8.0
Hello, I’m a newbie at ember and I want to do something that looks super simple, but I can’t find the right way.
I have this code in ./routes/tutoriel-01.js
import Ember from 'ember';
import DS from 'ember-data';
import config from '../config/environment';
const {Logger}= Ember;
export default Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
return Ember.$.getJSON(config.APP.drupal_tutoriel);
And the following in ./templates/tutoriel-01.hbs
{{#each model as |elem|}}
The problem is that $.getJSON return 8 objects and I just want one. So the template will print all the node_title of the 8 objects.
"node_title": "Événements",
"nid": "1234",
"numero_tutoriel": "1",
"field_image_tutoriel": "http://example.org/sites/files/evenements_tuto_mobile.png",
"body": "<p>some text</p>\n"
"node_title": "À lire",
"nid": "45678",
"numero_tutoriel": "2",
"field_image_tutoriel": "http://example.org/sites/files/tuto_mobile.png",
"body": "<p>more text.</p>\n"
I though that I could use in my route something like:
return Ember.$.getJSON(config.APP.drupal_tutoriel)[0]
return Ember.$.getJSON(config.APP.drupal_tutoriel).[0]
in my template:
{{#each model.[0] as |elem|}}
but it’s not working.
Once I have working code, I’ll try it with a promise.
I read about Ember Data, but I can figure out how to use it this particular case.