I’ve uploaded a file with ember-cli-dropzone (ember-cli-dropzonejs - npm). This works fine. Now i need to update my template with the filename.
Inside a component I have the filename in a callback function. But now i need to pass this to the routes setupController function. So i can use the controller.set, as shown below.
The component JS:
export default Ember.Component.extend({
actions: {
submit: function(){
this.sendAction('action', this.submission);
uploadSuccess: function(file, response) {
if (response == '200') {
return file.name;
setupController inside the route:
setupController: function(controller, model){
var submission = this.store.createRecord('submission', { filter: { assignment_id: model.id } });
submission.filename = filenamePlease;
controller.set('submission', submission);
compenent inside template:
{{submission-form submission=submission user=user action='createSubmission'}}
component HBS:
<form {{action 'submit' on='submit'}}>
{{drop-zone url='http://localhost:4200/api/uploads' success=uploadSuccess}}
{{input type="hidden" value=submission.filename}}
<button class="bnt" type="submit">{{buttonLabel}}</button>
How do i get the corresponding template to update after the file has uploaded and the uploadSuccess has returned the filename?