I am new to development and I’ve run into a real problem regarding query parameters and nested roues. I suspect I’m making a fundamental mistake somewhere and I’m hoping someone can help.
I have a form in my application that is supported by an action on the routes controller as follows:
submitQuery() {
switch (module) {
case 'Opyion1':
this.transitionToRoute('reports.newroutea', {
queryParams: {
dateFrom: this.get('dateFrom'),
dateTo: this.get('dateTo'),
unitNumber: this.get('unitNumber'),
patientName: this.get('customerName'),
When the user clicks the submit button they are taken to the new route which loads a table underneath the form. This process works fine and produced a very nice table.
However I can only run the above process once. If I change the information in the inputs on the form and click the Submit button no changes are affected.
I assume this is because the route has already been loaded and it won’t reload unless there is a model change but this is where I run into all of my problems.
On the route that has been loaded the only way I can register the Query params is by putting something like
queryParams: {
dateFrom: { as: 'meddateFrom',
dateTo: { as: 'meddateTo', refreshModel:true},
unitNumber: { as: 'medunitNumber', refreshModel:true},
customerName: { as: 'medcustomerName', refreshModel:true},
in the route. If I don’t include the {as} then I receive an error about having duplicate Keys for params. If I don’t include them at all then the table doesn’t even load on the initial button press. It produces some really terrible behavior such as creating more params that are not needed.
I think I shouldn’t need to do this though because the params are passed as part of the transitionToRoute from the controller.
I have tried a number of different things but I think I am probably working from a bad starting point as nothing is working. Any help or advice is greatly appreciated.