<button {{action target=view}}>Send to component</button>
The above used to work but I believe somewhere between 1.5.x and 1.7 view
became the component’s parentView (which I understand and not debating). However, from within the yield I still need to be able to interface with the component,
My work around was something along the lines of overriding the yield function of my component:
_yield: function (context, options) {
var view = options.data.view,
parentView = this._parentView,
template = Ember.get(this, 'template');
if (template) {
Ember.assert('A Component must have a parent view in order to yield.', parentView);
view.appendChild(Ember.View, {
isVirtual: true,
tagName: '',
_contextView: parentView,
template: template,
context: Ember.ObjectProxy.create({
content: options.data.insideGroup ? Ember.get(this, 'origContext') : Ember.get(parentView, 'context'),
component: this // <---- this
controller: Ember.get(parentView, 'controller'),
templateData: { keywords: parentView.cloneKeywords(), insideGroup: options.data.insideGroup }
Now everywhere where I used view
I use component
within the template.
Does anyone else happen to know of a more elegant solution? Perhaps I’m missing something that ember is providing me out of the box. The only other thing I can think of is turning the yielded content into a view and registering the component with the child view programmatically.