Guys, in my event i have several bookings, and i’m trying to figure it out how can i push an booking to my event. I’m trying like this:
this.get('booking').save().then((data) => {
let id = this.get('event').get('id');
let event = this.get('store').peekRecord('event', id);
I follow the docs, but is not working. I’m receiving in the server:
{ data:
{ _id: '5666fc9f6819aa9c0f0304c7',
{ status: true,
start: '2015-12-16T15:51:30.475Z',
end: '2015-12-30T15:51:40.408Z',
men: 60,
women: 40,
information: '1hr de open bar',
meeting: 'Açaí beach bar',
title: 'Evento um',
hiw: null,
tip: null },
type: 'events' } }
As you can see. The bookings is not there.