PUT not supported (405)? Saving existing item to store (using asp.net web api)

First time I’m trying to send data back to my API (asp.net web api)

My POST method get hit in the api when I do this: const newThing = this.store.createRecord(‘something’, { id: 123, name: “some name” }); newThing.save(); However, when I do a PUT I get a 405 error. Chrome and Edge display the error differently, but seems Edge are more clear:

Error: Ember Data Request PUT http://localhost/site/api/things/865 returned a 405 Payload (application/json; charset=utf-8) HTTP405: BAD METHOD - The HTTP verb used is not supported. (XHR): PUT - http://localhost/site/api/things/865

I realize I can post by adding some test code to the action a button click call. The PUT happend when I have this action on my submit button: {{action "saveThing" model}} and then in the saveThing method in my route: saveThing(thing) { thing.save();

Apologies if this is not enough information, I’m still very new to Ember, first time trying to save something to an asp.net web api (which is hosted in localhost, but i am debugging in VS so can see if the post/put/get methods are being hit)

For what it help, my action methods in the api now just look like this

    public HttpResponseMessage Post([FromBody] SomeDto someDto)
        return new HttpResponseMessage()
            Content = new StringContent("POST: Test message")

    public HttpResponseMessage Put([FromBody] SomeDto someDto)
        return new HttpResponseMessage()
            Content = new StringContent("PUT: Test message")

by default PUT, PATCH and DELETE verbs are not available in .NET (because… reasons) You may have to change this in IIS or in machine.config, but you can solve this locally by applying changes to your web.config and pass in the verbs (see this config from a very old repo i made years ago). This may also help.

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