On ember 3.4 I have the following error :
“Assertion Failed: You modified "sp.produit" twice on <marketadmin@model:shared-produit::ember483:10> in a single render. It was rendered in "component:shared-produits/catalog-line" and modified in "component:shared-produits/catalog-line". This was unreliable and slow in Ember 1.x and is no longer supported. See https://github.com/emberjs/ember.js/issues/13948 for more details.”
This is the component (the JS has a tagname:'tr'
as it’s single property)
<td>{{sp.produit.nom}} </td>
How it is used :
{{#each model as |sp|}}
{{shared-produits/catalog-line sp=sp}}
And the model :
return this.get('store').query('shared-produit',assign(params,{include:'owner,produit'}))
The error happen when I refresh the page, and It display only the first 3 lines with all the cells correctly populated. If I naviguate to another route an browse back without reloading to the same page, it display the full table without console error except that the 3rd line and the 9th lines are blank (the third line was not blank when there was the error).
How can I fix this error.