I’m relative new to ember, and I have hit at problem i can’t figure out.
In my app I have a ‘Create new event’ page, on that I have a datepicker field.
What I would like, is to when the field is changed, it will load all events with the same date in a div beside it.
How should I start/build this, component for the list or?
Can someone please help me, by pointing me in the right direction?
At this point my create route just looks:
export default Ember.Route.extend({
model: function(){
return this.store.createRecord('event');
The template
<form {{action 'search' on="submit"}} >
<div class="field">
{{date-picker date=eventDate valueFormat='DD-MM-YYYY' outputFormat='DD-MM-YYYY'}}
<span class="helptext">Vælg datoen for eventen.</span>
{{input value=name placeholder="Name of event"}}
<div class="eventlist">
In order to render a list you’ll need a model (or sub-model) which is an array of objects. So, ideally your controller is an ArrayController.
Then you can render it using the #each
block handlebars helper
{{#each event in model}}
See: http://emberjs.com/guides/templates/displaying-a-list-of-items/
I know i have to use the #each tag, but my question is have to set up my controller or route, so when the user change the datefield the event-list will update based on the date.