In the becameError or becameInvalid state, a commit will not work. The state must first be “reset” to uncommitted. In case of a new record, you can do this by using this.get('stateManager').transitionTo('loaded.created.uncommitted') - in case of an update use this.get('stateManager').transitionTo('loaded.updated.uncommitted'). Once in uncommitted state, you can try to commit again.
There is however one tricky problem: in case of the becameInvalid state, you will need to use the store defaultTransaction to do the subsequent commit. This results in some dirty checks in teh code; see my save code below:
save: function () {
//Commit - record goes in Flight state
//After a becameInvalid state, transaction.commit() does not work; use defaultTransaction in that case - very dirty check ...
if (this.get('') == "uncommitted") {
var author = this.get('model');'didCreate', this, function () {
this.transitionToRoute('author.edit', author);
//If response is error (e.g. REST API not accessible): becameError fires'becameError', this, function () {
//If response is 422 (validation problem at server side): becameInvalid fires'becameInvalid', this, function () {
this.set('errors', this.get('content.errors'));
Hope this helps. Most probably, this is an area that will be improved in teh final release of Ember data.