I’m working on a project with Ember and a Python back-end. At the back-end I’m working with the marshmallow-jsonapi to provide a JSON API-compliant response. At the ‘motoristas/new’ route I’m sending a POST request that gets as response an object with the response code and the following body:
'data-vencimento':'2017-05-08 03:00:00'
'escolaridade':'Ensino Fundamental',
'data-emissao-ct':'2017-05-08 03:00:00',
'tipo-conta':'Conta Corrente',
But I’m getting this error message: “Assertion Failed: ‘motorista’ was saved to the server, but the response does not have an id and your record does not either.”
I’m using the JSONAPIAdapter since I’m supposed to get a JSON API format compliant response:
import DS from 'ember-data';
import Ember from 'ember';
import ENV from 'sistran-frontend/config/environment';
export default DS.JSONAPIAdapter.extend({
namespace: ENV.APP.namespace,
pathForType(modelName) {
if (modelName === 'ordem-de-servico') {
return 'ordens-de-servico';
if (modelName === 'veiculo') {
return 'veiculos';
if (modelName === 'motorista') {
return 'motoristas';
I’m not sure why I’m getting this message because I have the id field on the response. What is wrong with the response that I’m sending to the Ember app? I have the ‘motoristas/index’ route that gets the same response object with the same body format and It’s working.