Sideload models by ID rather than all at once

When my route loads, I’m grabbing an account from the server which hits this API endpoint:


and returns this:

    username: "HallOatesFan",
    interactions: [

When Ember sees the interactions array, it makes a request to this endpoint to retrieve the complete models:


and returns this:

        name: "andy matthews",
        native_id: 123456789
        name: "andy matthews",
        native_id: 987654321

The interactions endpoint calls a CouchDB design doc which could potentially be out of date when the request is made. We have a seperate endpoint which Ember already knows about that loads the specific CouchDB document directly. We’d like to get Ember to make a request to the Interaction by ID endpoint instead of the Interactions by account to load each interaction.


Is this possible? If so, how would we accomplish it?

The setup

Ember: 1.3.0-beta.1+canary.ea261c9f
Ember Data: 1.0.0-beta.2
Handlebars: 1.0.0
jQuery: 2.0.3 

Social.Account = DS.Model.extend({
    username: DS.attr("string"),
    interactions: DS.hasMany("interaction"),

Social.Interaction = DS.Model.extend({
    native_id: DS.attr("string"),
    name: DS.attr("string"),
    account: DS.belongsTo("account"),