I created an Ember Addon that basically contains CSS that we want to share across projects.
The first step works: creating a ember addon with SCSS and then being able to import that SCSS in my apps stylesheet using npm link & ember install (so we’re still able to update certain rules)
But now I’m trying to add Bootstrap (v4 beta) to the Addon using bower, but I don’t know where to add this part:
sassOptions: {
includePaths: [
I tried ember-cli-build, index.js and config/environment.js, but once I add @import "bootstrap"
I get those results:
when adding to ember-cli-build.js:
File: /…/tmp/sass_compiler-input_base_path-aGuL5bPv.tmp/app/styles/my-addon.scss (1) The Broccoli Plugin: [SassCompiler] failed with: Error: File to import not found or unreadable: bootstrap.
when adding to environment.js:
The Broccoli Plugin: [SassCompiler] failed with: Error: Attempting to watch missing directory: bower_components/bootstrap/scss
Any help appreciated, thanks!