Sorting by multiple properties, depending filters

Hi there,

imagine a simple entity like // simple entity const Item = Ember.Object.extend({ name: null, color: null, price: null });

and a model hook like model() { return { items: [ Item.create({ name: 'Apple', color: 'red', price: 2 }), Item.create({ name: 'Orange', color: 'red', price: 3 }), Item.create({ name: 'Pear', color: 'yellow', price: 2 }), Item.create({ name: 'Grapes', color: 'green', price: 3 }), Item.create({ name: 'Banana', color: 'yellow', price: 2 }), Item.create({ name: 'Melon', color: 'green', price: 5 }), Item.create({ name: 'Strawberries', color: 'red', price: 7 }), Item.create({ name: 'Porsche 911 Cabrio S', color: 'silver', price: 20 }), Item.create({ name: 'FoldableBucket', color: 'black', price: 8 }) ] } },

What is the best way to implement depending filter controls in the controller e.g. a list of checkboxes with colors and a range slider for prices. So that checking just ‘green’ and ‘red’ shrinks the price range slider from 2 to 7 and vice versa…

Thanks in advance, Martin

This isn’t necessarily elegant, but if it were me I’d just do something like:

// app/controllers/<name>.js
  filtered: Ember.computed.filter('model', function(item, index, array) {
    // filter by colors
    return this.get('colors').indexOf(item.get('color')) > -1;
  filteredPrices: Ember.computed.mapBy('filtered', 'price'),
  minPrice: Ember.computed.min('filteredPrices'),
  maxPrice: Ember.computed.max('filteredPrices'),

So you could use ‘minPrice’ and ‘maxPrice’ as the range of your slider, and filtered as the list of filtered items.


Looks good to me! Which includes ‘elegant’ as well… Thank you!