The best practise of writing the authentication

I am trying to figure out how to implement authentication using ember.js. I’m currently using python’s pyramid framework as the backend, I’m not sure if I can do the things in ember.js,

  1. Setup the global access control data, for example {“view”: [“user1”,“user2”], “edit”:[“user3”]}
  2. set a “permission=view/edit” property for any of the url
  3. create a “forbidden template (login)” which ember.js could automatically redirect to it when a request goes into the protected url and failed the authentication/authorization check.

Is there any example code for doing the above process? Or anybody has better solution in ember.js.

Thanks covers all of that. It’s worth checking out to get some ideas from if nothing else.


I guess the ember-auth answered all my questions. Thanks for point out the resource!

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