Thumbnail preview of an item by hovering my mouse over

Hi I need to see a thumbnail preview of an item (image, pdf, html etc) by hovering my mouse over it so I can easily see what the item is without having to load it fully. It should show preview in a pop-up window when I’m mouses over for 1 second and should disappear when I’m mouses off the item. If the preview cannot be shown in a browser window, then show a message like “Cannot display”.

For the pdf preview of html code (Icon with the label) is below:

<div id="ember8734" class="ember-view managed-object-tools-icon managed-object-icon-view container-view clickable" style="font-size: 20px">
<rs-icon id="ember8737" class="ember-view primary-icon managed-object-primary-icon icon" style="font-size: 20px">
<icon glyph="type_pdf" class="type_pdf" set="types" style="font-size: 20px;">
<rs-icon id="ember8743" class="ember-view version-icon icon" style="width: 1em; height: 1em; font-size: 20px">
<managed-object-label id="ember8749" class="ember-view content-data managed-object-label-view managed-object-label-view managed-object-label data-view managed-object-label-view-core_component_data-view-mixin managed-object-label-core_component_data-view-mixin data-view-core_component_data-view-mixin">
<div core-role="primaryLabel" class="" data-bindattr-49="49">story.​pdf</div>

For all the item(html, pdf, image etc) Thumbnail-preview.js code is here:

(function () {
    var childView = function (name, ext) {
            return function () {
                return this.createChildView(this.get(name), ext);
        ScalerMixin = {
            imageWidth: null,
            imageHeight: null,
            containerWidth: null,
            containerHeight: null,
            width: null,
            height: null,
            top: null,
            left: null, 
            attributeBindings: [ 'style', 'src' ],
            style: function () {
                if (!this.get('width') || !this.get('height') || isNaN(this.get('top')) || isNaN(this.get('left'))) {
                    return '';
                return 'width: ' + this.get('width') + 'px; height: ' + this.get('height') + 'px; margin-top: ' + this.get('top') + 'px; margin-left: ' + this.get('left') + 'px;';
            }.property('width', 'height', 'top', 'left'),
            captureImageSize: function () {
                if (this.isDestroying || this.isDestroyed) { return; }
                var i = new window.Image();
                i.src = this.get('src');
                this.set('imageWidth', i.width);
                this.set('imageHeight', i.height);
            updateSize: function () {
                if (this.isDestroying || this.isDestroyed) { return; }
                if (!this.imageWidth || !this.imageHeight || !this.containerWidth || !this.containerHeight) {
                var iar = this.imageWidth / this.imageHeight,
                    car = this.containerWidth / this.containerHeight;
                var width, height;
                if (car > iar) {
                    height = this.containerHeight;
                    width = iar * this.containerHeight;
                } else {
                    height = this.containerWidth / iar;
                    width = this.containerWidth;
                if (this.width !== width) {
                    this.set('width', width);
                if (this.height !== height) {
                    this.set('height', height);
                this.set('top', (this.containerHeight - height) / 2);
                this.set('left', (this.containerWidth - width) / 2);
            }.observes('imageWidth', 'imageHeight', 'containerWidth', 'containerHeight'),
            containerWidthBinding: 'parentView.width',
            containerHeightBinding: 'parentView.height',
            _attachLoadHandler: function () {
                this.get('element').onload = this.captureImageSize.bind(this);

        ThumbnailImage = Ember.View.extend(ScalerMixin, {
            tagName: 'img',         
            isVisible: function () {
                return !!this.get('src');
            objectBinding: 'parentView.object',
            click: function () {
                var i = new window.Image(),
                    src = this.get('object').uri();
                i.onload = function () {
                    Core.openWindow(src, {
                        width: i.width,
                        height: i.height
                i.src = src;
            classNames: [ 'clickable' ]
        Thumbnail = ThumbnailImage.extend({
            src: function () {
                var object = this.get('object');
                if (!object) { return; }
                var thumb = object.get('keyedVariants.core:thumbnail');
                if (thumb) {
                    return object.uri({ variantName: thumb.variantName });
                return null;
            }.property('object', 'object.keyedVariants.core:thumbnail', 'object.variants.length')
        Image = ThumbnailImage.extend({
            src: function () {
                var object = this.get('object');
                if (!object) { return; }
                var type = object.get('contentType');
                if (/^image\/(?:jpeg|gif|png|svg)/.test(type)) {
                    return object.uri();
                return null;
        Playable = Ember.ContainerView.extend({
            object: null,
            playableSources: function () {
                var playerTag = document.createElement(this.get('playerTagName')),
                    sources = this.get('sources') || [];
                return sources.filter(function (source) {
                    if (!playerTag.canPlayType) { return false; }
                    return !!playerTag.canPlayType(source.type + ';').replace(/no/, '');
                }, this);
            updateSizes: function () {
                var w = Math.min(this.get('parentView.width') | 0),
                    h = Math.min(this.get('parentView.height') | 0),
                    s = Math.min(128, Math.min(this.get('parentView.width'), this.get('parentView.height')) * 0.75) | 0,
                    l = Math.floor((w - s) / 2),
                    t = Math.floor((h - s) / 2),
                    m = 'margin: ' + t + 'px 0 0 ' + l + 'px';
                this.set('margin', m);
                this.set('iconSize', s);
            }.on('didInsertElement').observes('parentView.width', 'parentView.height'),
            iconSize: 128,
            marginLeft: 0,
            marginTop: 0, 
            PlayView: Ember.ContainerView.extend({
                tagName: null,
                ThumbnailView: ThumbnailImage,
                thumbnailView: childView('ThumbnailView'),
                objectBinding: 'parentView.object',
                attributeBindings: [ 'controls', 'preload', 'style' ],
                style: function () {
                    var w = this.get('parentView.parentView.width'),
                        h = this.get('parentView.parentView.height');
                    return "max-width: " + w + "px; max-height: " + h + "px;";
                }.property('parentView.parentView.width', 'parentView.parentView.height'),
                controls: "true",
                preload: 'metadata',
                poster: 'thumbnailView.src',
                SourceView: Ember.View.extend({
                    tagName: 'source',
                    attributeBindings: ['src', 'type'],
                    src: null,
                    type: null
                PlayButton: Core.view.Icon.extend({
                    classNames: ['play-button'],
                    sizeBinding: 'parentView.parentView.iconSize',
                    marginBinding: 'parentView.parentView.margin',
                    model: 'play',
                    click: function () {
                        var el = this.get('parentView.element');
                        if (el) {
                playButton: childView('PlayButton'),
                sourceViews: function () {
                    return this.get('parentView.sources').map(function (source) {
                        return this.createChildView(this.SourceView, source);
                    }, this);
                setupView: function () {
                    if (this.isDestroying || this.isDestroyed) { return; }
                    this.set('tagName', this.get('parentView.playerTagName'));
                    this.replace(0, this.get('length'), []);
                    this.get('sourceViews').forEach(function (sourceView) {
                    }, this);
            playView: childView('PlayView'),
            PremediaView: Ember.ContainerView.extend({
                ThumbnailView: ThumbnailImage,
                thumbnailView: childView('ThumbnailView'),
                PlayButton: Core.view.Icon.extend({
                    classNames: ['play-button'],
                    sizeBinding: 'parentView.parentView.iconSize',
                    marginBinding: 'parentView.parentView.margin',
                    model: 'play',
                    click: function () {
                playButton: childView('PlayButton'),
                setupView: function () {
                    this.replace(0, this.get('length'), []);
            premediaView: childView('PremediaView'),
            PlaceholderView: Ember.ContainerView.extend({
                ThumbnailView: ThumbnailImage,
                thumbnailView: childView('ThumbnailView'),
                CantPlayButton: Core.view.Icon.extend({
                    classNames: ['play-button', 'cant-play'],
                    sizeBinding: 'parentView.parentView.iconSize',
                    marginBinding: 'parentView.parentView.margin',                  
                    model: 'play_not_available',
                    titleBinding: 'Core.messageTable.content/icon/preview/cant-play'
                cantPlayButton: childView('CantPlayButton'),
                setupView: function () {
                    this.replace(0, this.get('length'), []);
            placeholderView: childView('PlaceholderView'),
            media: false,
            play: function () {
                this.set('media', true);
      'render', this, function () {
                    var go = function () {
                        var el = this.get('playView.element');
                        if (!el) {
                  , go);
                        } else {
                            $(el).on('canplay', function () {
            setupView: function () {
                this.replace(0, this.get('length'), []);
                if (! {
                } else {
                    if (this.get('playableSources.length') === 0) {
                    } else {
            }.on('init').observes('playableSources.length', 'media')
    Core.component.ManagedObjectPreview.MediaPreview = Ember.ContainerView.extend({
        classNames: [ 'thumbnail-preview' ],
        height: 250,
        width: 292,
        captureSizeForRealsies: function () {
            if (this.isDestroying || this.isDestroyed) { return; }
            var el = this.get('element');
            if (!el) {
      , 'captureSizeForRealsies', 125);
            var rect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
            if (!rect.width || !rect.height) {
      , 'captureSizeForRealsies', 125);
            // Find first scrollable containment
            var scrollX = scrollY = el;
            while (scrollX && scrollX.nodeType !== Node.DOCUMENT_NODE && $(scrollX).css('overflow-x') !== 'auto') {
                scrollX = scrollX.parentNode;
            while (scrollY && scrollY.nodeType !== Node.DOCUMENT_NODE && $(scrollY).css('overflow-y') !== 'auto') {
                scrollY = scrollY.parentNode;
            if (scrollY) {
                rect.height = Math.min(rect.height, scrollY.clientHeight);
            if (scrollX) {
                rect.width = Math.min(rect.width, scrollX.clientWidth);
            if (rect.width !== this.width) {
                this.set('width', rect.width);
            if (rect.height !== this.height) {
                this.set('height', rect.height);
        captureSize: function () {
  , 'captureSizeForRealsies', 125);
        classNameBindings: [ 'isImage:ui-clickable' ],
        objectBinding: 'model.finalManagedObject',
        thumb: Ember.computed(function () {
            var uri, mo = this.get('object');
            if (!mo) { return; }
            if (mo.getVariant('core:thumbnail')) {
                uri = Core.restUrl(2, 'content/binary/id/' + this.get('') + '?variant=core:thumbnail');
                if (mo.get('revision')) {
                    uri += '&revision=' + mo.get('revision');
                return uri;
            return null;
        isImage: function () {
            var contentType = this.get('object.contentType'),
                isImage = (/^image\/(?:jpeg|gif|png|svg)/).test(contentType);
            return isImage;
        urlsFor: function (type) {
            var obj = this.get('object') || this.get('model');
            URL = obj.streamingUri;
            var parentId = $('.preview-and-information-view').attr('id');
            var childId = $('#' + parentId).find('div').attr('id');
            if (obj.contentType == 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation') {
                $('#'+childId).html('<a href="'+URL+'" target=_blank><span style=cursor:pointer><img src=/core-cms/plugin/core-cms-theme/images/core/content-type/24/office-powerpoint.png  alt=power-point style=width: 20px; cursor:pointer;></span></a>');
                return false;
            else if(obj.contentType == 'text/plain' || obj.contentType == 'application/'){
                $('#'+childId).html('<a href="'+URL+'" target=_blank><span style=cursor:pointer><img src=/core-cms/plugin/core-cms-theme/images/core/content-type/24/file-generic.png style=width: 20px;cursor:pointer;></span></a>');
                return false;
            else if(obj.contentType == 'application/pdf'){
                $('#'+childId).html('<a href="'+URL+'" target=_blank ><span style=cursor:pointer><icon glyph=type_pdf class=type_pdf set=types style=font-size:20px;cursor:pointer;></icon></span></a>');
                return false;
            else if(obj.contentType == 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document'){
                $('#'+childId).html('<a href="'+URL+'" target=_blank ><span style=cursor:pointer><img src=/core-cms/plugin/core-cms-theme/images/core/content-type/24/office-word.png alt=office-word style=width: 20px;cursor:pointer;></span></a>');
                return false;
            else if(obj.contentType == 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet'){
                $('#'+childId).html('<a href="'+URL+'" target=_blank ><span style=cursor:pointer><img src=/core-cms/plugin/core-cms-theme/images/core/content-type/24/office-excel.png style=width: 20px;cursor:pointer;></span></a>');
                return false;
            else if(obj.contentType == 'application/x-shockwave-flash'){
                $('#'+childId).html('<a href="'+URL+'" target=_blank ><span style=cursor:pointer><icon glyph=type_adobe_flash_ class=type_adobe_flash set=types style=font-size: 20px;cursor:pointer;></icon></span></a>');
                return false;
            else {
            if (!obj) { return; }
            var items = [obj].concat(obj.get('variants') || []);
            items = (variant) {
                var ret = {};
                if (Ember.get(variant, 'variantName')) {
                    ret.src = obj.uri({ variantName: Ember.get(variant, 'variantName') });
                } else {
                    ret.src = obj.uri();
                ret.type = Ember.get(variant, 'contentType');
                return ret;
            items = items.filter(function (item) {
                if (!item.src || !item.type) { return false; }
                return item.type.substr(0, type.length + 1) === (type + '/');
            return items;
        videoUrls: function () {
            return this.urlsFor('video');
        }.property('object.contentType', 'object.variants.@each.contentType'),
        isVideo: function () {
            return !!this.get('videoUrls.length');
        audioUrls: function () {
            return this.urlsFor('audio');
        }.property('object.contentType', 'object.variants.@each.contentType'),
        isAudio: function () {
            return !!this.get('audioUrls.length');
        objectChanged: function () {
            if (this.get('length')) {
                this.replace(0, this.get('length'), []);
            if (this.get('isVideo')) {
            } else if (this.get('isAudio')) {
            } else {
        }.on('init').observes('object', 'media'),
        VideoView: Playable.extend({
            classNames: [ 'video-preview' ],
            playerTagName: 'video',
            objectBinding: 'parentView.object',
            sourcesBinding: 'parentView.videoUrls'
        videoView: childView('VideoView'),
        AudioView: Playable.extend({
            classNames: [ 'audio-preview' ],
            playerTagName: 'audio',
            objectBinding: 'parentView.object',
            sourcesBinding: 'parentView.audioUrls'
        audioView: childView('AudioView'),
        ImageView: Image.extend({
            classNames: [ 'image-preview' ]
        imageView: childView('ImageView'),
        ThumbView: Thumbnail.extend({
            classNames: [ 'thumbnail-preview' ]
        thumbView: childView('ThumbView')
    Core.component.ManagedObjectPreview.ThumbPreview = Core.component.ManagedObjectPreview.MediaPreview.extend({
        objectChanged: function () {
            if (this.get('length')) {
                this.replace(0, this.get('length'), []);
            if (this.get('thumb')) {
    var LocalNavigator = Core.component.NavigableSection.Navigator.extend({
        objectBinding: 'sectionView.model.finalManagedObject',
        tooltipBinding: "Core.messageTable.content/preview/thumbnail",
        enabled:function () {
            return !!this.get('types.length');
        }.property('types', 'types.length')
            enabled: function () {
                return !!this.get('types.length');
            icon: function () {
                if (this.get('thumb')) {
                    return 'thumbnail_missing';
                var types = this.get('types'),
                    isAudio = false,
                    isVideo = false;
                types.forEach(function (type) {
                    if (/^video\//.test(type)) {
                        isVideo = true;
                    if (/^audio\//.test(type)) {
                        isAudio = true;
                    if (/^application\//.test(type)) {
                        isDocument = true;
                if (isVideo) {
                    return 'types:type_video';
                if (isAudio) {
                    return 'types:type_audio';
                return types.find(function (type) {
                    return /^image\//.test(type);
                }) ? 'types:type_image' : 'thumbnail_missing';
            }.property('thumb', 'object'),
            thumb: function () {
                var obj = this.get('object'),
                    variants = obj && obj.get('variants'),
                if (!variants) { return null; }
                return obj && obj.get('keyedVariants.core:thumbnail');
            types: function () {
                var thumb = this.get('thumb');
                if (thumb) {
                    return [ thumb.contentType ];
                var obj = this.get('object'),
                    variants = (obj && obj.get('variants')) || [],
                if (!obj) { return []; }
                types = [ obj.get('contentType') ];
                variants.forEach(function (variant) {
                    if (variant.variantName !== 'core:thumbnail') {
                types = types.filter(function (type) {
                    return (/^(image|audio|video|application)\//).test(type);
                return types;       
            }.property('object', 'object.keyedVariants', 'object.variants.length'),
            bodyView: function () {
                if (this.get('thumb')) {
                    return Core.component.PrimaryTile.extend({
                        contains: Core.component.ManagedObjectPreview.ThumbPreview.extend({
                            modelBinding: 'parentView.model'
                        scrollable: false,
                        style: function () {
                            return 'overflow: hidden';
                        attributeBindings: ['style']
                } else {
                    return Core.component.PrimaryTile.extend({
                        contains: Core.component.ManagedObjectPreview.MediaPreview.extend({
                            modelBinding: 'parentView.model'
                        scrollable: false,
                        style: function () {
                            return 'overflow: hidden';
                        attributeBindings: ['style']
            }.property('thumb', 'object')

for that corresponding icon tool mention in managedObjecttool.js:

ObjectIconView: Ember.ContainerView.extend(childMOMixin, {
				classNames: ['managed-object-tools-icon'],
				classNameBindings: [ 'clickable' ],
				attributeBindings: [ 'style' ],
				style: function () {
					return 'font-size: ' + this.get('size') + 'px';
				mouseDown: function () { return false; },
				click: function () {
					var actionMenuContext = this.get('actionMenuContext'),
						element = this.$(),
						row = element.parents('tr:first'),
						ctl = this.get('controller');
					if (ctl && ctl.send) {
						ctl.send('contentItemActionMenu', row.length ? row : element, element, actionMenuContext);
					return false;
				clickable: function () {
					return !!this.get('controller._actions.contentItemActionMenu');
				childViews: [
				size: 20,
				PrimaryIcon: Core.component.ManagedObjectPrimaryIcon.extend(childMOMixin, {
					sizeBinding: 'parentView.size',
					loadStateBinding: 'parentView.loadState',
					suggestedIconsBinding: 'parentView.suggestedIcons'
				VersionStatus: Core.view.Icon.extend(childMOMixin, {
					sizeBinding: 'parentView.size',
					classNames: ['version-icon'],
					classNameBindings: [ 'model' ],
					model: function () {
						if (this.get('isFrozen')) { return 'status_pinned'; }
						if (this.get('isOwned')) { return 'status_checked_out'; }
						if (this.get('isLocked')) { return 'status_locked'; }
					}.property('isFrozen', 'isOwned', 'isLocked')
				DraftStatus: Core.view.Icon.extend(childMOMixin, {
					sizeBinding: 'parentView.size',
					classNames: ['version-icon'],
					classNameBindings: [ 'model' ],
					model: function () {
						if (this.get('hasDraft')) { return 'status_draft'; }
						return "$blank";
				TypeOverlay: Core.view.Icon.extend(childMOMixin, {
					sizeBinding: 'parentView.size',
					classNames: ['type-icon'],
					classNameBindings: [ 'model' ],
					model: function () {
						var type = this.get('finalObjectType');
						if (type === 'canode') {
							return 'status_ca_node';
						if (type === 'mo') {
							return 'status_is_xml';
						//if (type === 'mononxml' && this.get('variants.length') > 0) {
						//	return 'status_has_variants';
						return '$blank';
					}.property('parentView.finalMO.objectType', 'finalObjectType')

Please provide me the suggestion for this. I’m new to the ember. If you need the further detail ask me in the comment. Your help will be more appreciate. Thanks in advance.

Seems like you are using a very old version of Ember. ContainerView was deprecated in 1.13 and removed in Ember 2.0, which was released in August 2015. If you have any chance, I would recommend to upgrade your code.

Thanks @jelhan. I’m using Ember 1.4.0 only. That only supporting to my project. Please provide any suggestion for this code.