So I have models with multiple belongsTo for the same type.
My paylod is something like this:
//paylod related to model note
"id": "191",
"notes": [
"id": "23",
"id_main_note": "191",
"id_related_note": "201"
"number": "2222NE222222"
And my Ember models are something like this:
export default DS.Model.extend( {
numero: DS.attr('string'),
notes: DS.hasMany('related-note')
export default DS.Model.extend( {
mainNote: DS.belongsTo('note'),
relatedNote: DS.belongsTo('note')
And then I get this message:
"Assertion Failed: You defined the 'notasEmpenhoRelacionadas' relationship on (unknown mixin), but multiple possible inverse relationships of type (unknown mixin) were found on (unknown mixin). Look at for how to explicitly specify inverses"
So I’ve changed the related-note
model to this:
export default DS.Model.extend({
mainNote: DS.belongsTo('note', {inverse: 'notes'}),
relatedNote: DS.belongsTo('note')
And the I get the correct mainNote
value but the relatedNote
value is undefined
. How can I get the correct values to both belongsTo attributes that have the same type?
Thanks in advance!