Unhandled Promise Rejection: TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 'n.syscall')

Does anyone know what the above error means? I’m working on a large codebase and my app runs fine locally, but upon pushing to Github and trying to access it in production, I get this error reiterating indefinitely in the console:

Unhandled Promise Rejection: TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating ‘n.syscall’)

Has anyone experienced this error before or know what n.syscall is? I tried searching my codebase and couldn’t seem to find anything on it

What version of ember-source are you using? And what glimmer-vm version (check your lockfile)? Are you running fastboot? This sounds like it’s probably related to the glimmer vm.

It sounds like there were some widely reported issues in Ember 3.1 that caused this error (fixed in 3.1.1).

Another more recent issue was closed (adding @args to a regular DOM element) which seems to result in the same error: passing @arguments to regular html elements doesn't give a great error message · Issue #18951 · emberjs/ember.js · GitHub. It looks like a fix for that was added in glimmer-vm 0.53.0.

ember-source 4.2.0 and tried running with fast-boot both on and off, I’ll look into the args and update if I find a solution!