I have really only recently started invested in unit tests for my Ember projects (yes I’m a bad person) but now that I’m doing it I need a little help. I have unit test that looks like this:
test('observing a property change in items', function(assert) {
var done = assert.async();
var component = this.subject({
_propertyChangedCallback: (property) => {
assert.equal(component.get('content.0.foo'),'Food', "the 'content' array should have the updated value from 'items'");
assert.equal('foo', property, 'the changed property "foo" was detected');
assert.ok(component._propertyChangedCallback, 'change callback appears to exist');
assert.equal(typeOf(component._propertyChangedCallback), 'function', 'callback is a valid function');
component.set('items', [
Ember.Object.create({when: 2, foo: "Groceries", bar: "hungry, hungry, hippo", icon: "shopping-cart", badge: 1}),
Ember.Object.create({when: 3, foo: "Hospital", bar: "visit sick uncle Joe", icon: "ambulance", badge: 6})
assert.equal(component.get('items.0.foo'), 'Groceries', 'initial value of foo is correct');
assert.equal(component.get('items.0.foo'), 'Food', 'changed value of foo (in items) is correct');
var later = run.later( () => {
assert.equal(component.get('content.0.foo'),'Food', "the 'content' array should have the updated value from 'items'");
assert.ok(false,"failed to observe change to 'foo' property");
The test passes – meaning that the observer fires when the Ember.set
is made but in order to account for failure scenarios I included the run.later({ ... })
logic. Great but unfortunately it still fires when I have achieved success and called QUnit’s assert.async()
method. I also tried cancelling the run.later()
with run.cancel()
but that didn’t work and I started guessing that there is probably an easier way to do this.
Is there?