Unit Testing multiple controllers in emberjs

I’ve included an example below of testing controllers that depend on other controllers (through the needs) and how to create those controllers. There might be a better way, if so, feel free to inform me, I was just happy to get it working.

describe("Application.bookController", function () {
  var bookController, bookModel, userController, userModel;

  beforeEach(function () {
    Ember.run(function () {
      userModel = Application.User.create(Application.UserFixtures[0]);
      bookModel = Application.book.create(Application.bookFixtures[0]);
      // if you manualy are creating a controller that depends on another, you need to cheat
      var container = Application.__container__;
      userController = container.lookup('controller:user');
      userController.set('model', userModel);

      bookController = container.lookup('controller:book');
      bookController.set('model', bookModel);

  it("should have a computed property isMyBook that returns true if is_my_book equals true and the user_id matches the owner book_owner_user_id in the returned JSON", function () {
    Ember.run(function () {
      // isMyBook compares the current users user_id to the book owner's user id (hence the need to hit the users controller from the book) - note this is a made up example

  afterEach(function () {
    Ember.run(function () {


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