User authentications and application controller

Hello, i need to call a method who is define in my application controller since a route, post/comment/new route because i like to deny access this route for users are not authenticated.

import Ember from 'ember';
import App from '../app';

export default Ember.Controller.extend({
  authManager: App.AuthManager,

  currentUser: function() {
    return App.AuthManager.get('apiKey.user');

  isAuthenticated: function() {
    return App.AuthManager.isAuthenticated();

in my applycation.hbs, i have: {{#if isAuthenticated}} and it respond NO, BUT if a call this method in my post/comment/new.hbs it respon yes, i think it because in the if this method is not declared, so how i do that? thanks

I assume the code you provided is your application controller? And the App.AuthManager is some other object/controller you’re using to store the global state for the user. If I am wrong about either of those two assumptions, please let me know.

I think the first thing you should do is make your App.AuthManager a service. It sounds like functionally it’s probably already close to that. Here is a good reference on doing that: Services - Application Concerns - Ember Guides

Once you’ve done that, your application controller should look something like this:

import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Controller.extend({
  authManager: Ember.inject.service(),

  currentUser: Ember.computed.reads('authManager.apiKey.user'),
  isAuthenticated: Ember.computed.reads('authManager.isAuthenticated')

Edit: I wanted to point out that you can also use authManager: Ember.inject.service() on Components and Routes to access it.