The technical problem here is that get isn’t added to the prototype chain so it is not available on regular javascript objects. So in your case, the hash is the scope (like you said) and it doesn’t have get on it’s prototype. To make your code sample work, you would replace this.get('') with Ember.get(this, '');.
However, even though what I provided is a solution to the question, I think it’s important for me to point out that this sort of nested hash (pojo) is not really recommended, especially as part of the class definition. It definitely causes lots of problems with scope as you’ve seen. Other really odd issue is that the hash is a reference object. So if you had multiple instances, they would all share the same hash object. So inside your Ember.computed the this value would be the same. The one exception here is theactionshash.
It looks like maybe you’re trying to group all of your computed properties as a form of organization. While I understand how that’s enticing, I would recommend it not be done in this manner. A better approach would be via naming conventions or even splitting up the code across several components (which may or may not be an option depending on the use case).
@celo It really depends on your usecase. I’ll give you a basic example, but splitting logic up across multiple components depends on your application/use-case and every app is different.
{{!-- templates/user-list.hbs --}}
{{#each model as |user|}}
{{#message-user user=user as |messageUser|}}
<label>Name: </label><span>{{messageUser.displayName}}</span><br>
{{input value=messageUser.message}}
<button {{action "sendMessage" target=messageUser}}>Send Message</button>
In this case, I’ve created a component called message-user. This component has a computed property that properly formats the user’s name and has an action to send a message. Using a component this way is called “block form”.
I made an ember-twiddle so you could see this in action: Ember Twiddle