Hi there !! I’m trying validate if a partial exists, I thought in use this method from packages/ember-views/lib/system/lookup_partial.js
But don’t know how import that, someone could me send a example this?
Hi there !! I’m trying validate if a partial exists, I thought in use this method from packages/ember-views/lib/system/lookup_partial.js
But don’t know how import that, someone could me send a example this?
You cannot import that module, the modules in Ember’s own source are hidden from the main applications module registry (for now ).
Copying over the important parts of that implementation would be something like:
function parseUnderscoredName(templateName) {
let nameParts = templateName.split('/');
let lastPart = nameParts[nameParts.length - 1];
nameParts[nameParts.length - 1] = `_${lastPart}`;
return nameParts.join('/');
function hasPartial(owner, partialName) {
return owner.hasRegistration(`template:${parseUnderscoredName(name)}`) || owner.hasRegistration(`template:${name}`);
As a developer you should know if partials are there, since it’s static files. Why do you want to check it? Also partial should be replace to componets that is more decouple.