Very Interesting Article on AngularJS

This article is just a persons opinion on AngularJS but its worth the read :smile:

Uhhhh excuse me for saying so but this article leaves a lot to be desired. Of course we know better, but on a superficial level it appears to be comparing/contrasting jQuery and Angular like they are even in the same ballpark.

Additionally, there is zero in the way of supporting arguments (it takes it as given that Angular is cumbersome, but that’s an assertion that needs to be defended), and its support data consists of comparing the quantity of search results for “__ sucks”. What?

The same argument could be applied to Ember, for the same reason. The general impression of Ember on the web is that it’s MORE difficult to learn than Angular, and I don’t know if that’s even unfair.

Both frameworks have a lot of tutorials that lean heavily on the “…and I wrote this trivial app in 12 lines of code!” sales pitch. The problem is that most apps aren’t trivial, and when you start digging, it gets dirty.

jQuery is largely a collection of helpers that fix/abstract a lot of the doofier elements of Javascript. It rules- but one of the reasons it rules is that it really doesn’t do that much. It turns 4 lines of code into 1, or makes a ghetto-looking loop human-readable. You can use as much or as little of it as you want.

I hate frameworks. They all have a set of non-transferable conventions, default behaviors you disagree with, and a dude with a sword waiting for you if you’re trying to do something even a little unusual.

They are worth it in the long run because code spends more time in maintenance than it does in development. They’re worth it because a veritable army of devs worked out the browser quirkery that your 4-man team would waste their time on for months. They’re worth it because you can ask SO questions and hire people who know the framework to help you without them having to learn the personal and specific way that you put everything together. They’re worth it because they keep you from making horrible architecture decisions that you’ll have to answer for and live with for the next 3 years.

Ember and Angular aren’t really different in this regard. I chose Ember because Angular is a DOM-murderer, it’s opinionated about things that don’t matter, and Ember has a bunch of great production apps vs. Angular’s mountain of to-do lists.

I don’t think any framework is particularly easy to develop in, especially at first. It’s worth taking a little longer to develop though when you can have some confidence in the final product.