I would like to get some feedback on the use of registerWaiter
in an async helper to wait for animated components to appear.
In our acceptance tests, the waitUntil
helper could be used as:
waitUntil('#my-modal.modal').then(function() {
var el = find('#my-modal.modal'); assert.ok(el.length > 0, 'modal was open'); .... });
Below the helper implementation:
Ember.Test.registerAsyncHelper('waitUntil', function(app, selector) {
var waiter = function() { return $(selector).length > 0; };
Ember.Test.registerWaiter(waiter); var promise = app.testHelpers.wait();
promise.then(function() { Ember.Test.unregisterWaiter(waiter); });
// it will be resolved when the pending events have been processed // (routing loads, ajax requests, run loops and waiters) return promise;
I think, this could be a common use of registerWaiter
which could be added to the documentation.