We are building a large modular application ,
- on the server side it is an asp.net mvc application, consisting a quite complex onion architecture,
- on the client side it is an ember application.
we have these projects in visual studio solution:
- platform.core
- platform.data
- platform.web (includes ember application and all bootstrapers needed)
- Modules (each module includes two thing among others, a web service on server side, and a POD for ember side)
from asp.net perspective the platform.web setups everything, loading base page template, setting up web services, and everything needed on the server including ember-data needs.
from ember perspective platform.web is the main ember app generated by ember-cli and every module in asp.net side will be a sub route (actually a POD) in ember side.
the main point is this application is a modular app and needs to load modules dynamically in application start up.
we managed to copy each module pods to main project using gulp, ember-cli, visual studio 2015 and compile them at once, but we need to include pods dynamically at runtime. we also managed to compile pods separately outside ember app.
our problem is:
- how to load sub routes dynamically in ember?
- how to compile a pod separately using ember-cli, and introducing the compiled POD to the ember application in runtime?
- is it supported out of the box , or we need deep dive in ember-cli and make our own pipeline?