Where would I put a global constants file?

I am using ember-cli to build my EmberJS application. I want to create a global constants file, and I have 2 questions.

  1. Where would I put this file? I’m thinking maybe under “models” but I’m not too sure about it.
  2. How would I implement it. Would I just extend it from Ember.Object?


The boring simple way would be something like this:

// file: app/constants.js
export default {
  Constant1: 'bob',
  Constant2: 'cupcakes'

// file: app/models/example.js
import Constants from '<app-name-here>/constants';

// shorthand for const Constant1 = Constants.Constant1
const { Constant1, Constant2 } = Constants;

I’d recommend using the config/environment.js file for any constants/config settings. You can add arbitrary properties and access them from any of your files by importing the file.

See The Ember CLI - Introduction - Ember CLI Guides for more details on how it’d work.

I created a service like this:

// app/services/constants.js
export default Ember.Service.extend({
    firstConstant: 'test',
    anotherOne: 25

and an associated initializer (same file name) that injects the service in to all routes like this:

// app/initializers/constants.js
export function initialize(registry, application) {
    application.inject('route', 'constants', 'service:constants');
    application.inject('controller', 'constants', 'service:constants');
export default {
    name: 'constants',
    initialize: initialize

The service is a singleton & can be accessed in your routes & controllers like this:


For more details take a look at this article:


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I don’t know how “Ember-y” this is, but, plain and simple, you can still use javascript globals (window is the global object, so globals are actually properties on the window object, but I digress)

window.SOME_CONSTANT = 'localhost'

Exactly where you put this code? Perhaps right in config/environment.js as dnegstad suggested, or, config/constants.js and then do import 'constants' in environment.js I am guessing that import style works, you might need to follow the ‘happy path’ and do import module from ‘file’

That’s all ok until you need to translate your constants. And you’ll do that:

// file: app/constants.js

let Consts = Ember.Object.extend({

  i18n: Ember.inject.service(),

  REQUEST_STATE: Ember.computed('i18n.locale', function(){
    var i18n = this.get('i18n');
    return {
      new: i18n.t("consts.requestState.new"),
      pending: i18n.t("consts.requestState.pending"),
      canceled: i18n.t("consts.requestState.canceled")


export default Consts.create();