Are developers creating Ember apps outside the context of Rails?

I’ve been using Parse as the backend for a couple of my Ember projects and about to start another with Node/Fortune.js

@Costent Thanks. That looks great. If you can, Can you provide a demo mimosa/ember app in github ? That would clear some path for me.

@shadow_fox: Well, you can clone, execute npm install and make will launch the application with node.js. Be sure to have mimosa installed (npm install mimosa -g).

@CyberStrike: What do you think about Parse ?

Loving it so far, it’s JS Library lends itself well to the way parse works. I could even custom build an express server with it if I wanted.

Here’s a short demo screencast of an app my company build using this technology stack

  • Ember.js as JS framework (1.4, Handlebars 1.3)
  • Ember data 1.0 beta (modified for partial data - performance)
  • Basic layout: Bootstrap, Fontawesome icons
  • lots of external UI components like Select2, Moment.js, Redactor HTML editor, bootbox, etc.
  • localization/translation using i18n.js (en, de, it at the moment)
  • ASP.NET MVC for app delivery (JS minification, Handlebars template precompilation etc.)
  • ASP.NET Web API (a modified version which plays nice Ember data RESTAdapter)
  • Real-time events between client and server with SignalR (=awesome!)
  • Our company’s service layer
  • Our company DB layer using Entity Framework 6.1
  • DB (SQL Server)

I’m not good at demos, but you get the idea how snappy the app is.

We are so happy with Ember.js that we plan to port other older application to the new platform. We refactored some parts of the app several times but it was always a very easy task given the structure that Ember imposes. Opinionated framework FTW!


I was between learning Angular or Ember. I’m also using .Net Web Api 2. So far so good. I’m having some problems to load “children” (relationships). And the Web Api has to be tweaked if you want to stick to Ember Data conventions. For instance, when you send arrays you have to do it inside an object. I think that this design is good to prevent Json-Array Attacks.

How you are using ember with CI.

I’ve uploaded a demonstration to github on how to use MongoDb, ExpressJS and Ember-Cli together.

This demo project contains a basic user management and a article CRUD module. User authentication is done with ember-simple-auth on the client side. The server uses passportjs for authentication and a jws token to secure the api endpoints.

Server and client are on the same project but each starts it’s own http-server instance, that’s not ideal and I will change that. Also there is no deployment strategy for now.

I will continue to work on this project adding deployment steps and code generation for server routes, model and controllers, like ember-cli does.