CP triggers "cannot convert object to primitive value"

@ksnyde I believe that error is because somewhere in the code it is trying to treat an object as a string in some particular corner case. So I would suggest trying to carefully double check before you perform any string operations such as capitalize on anything. You might find a case where you are in fact not handed a string when you expected one.

To start I would suggest console logging the default case where you are switching on the typeOf(filter) it may be some corner case there. After the default try placing something like this


And watch for anything unexpected.

Are you certain that filteredContent is guaranteed to be an array in all cases? You might want to have a check for that before you attempt the foreach. Perhaps place a debugger in there to understand what is going on.

You can always try

if (Ember.isEmpty(filteredContent)){

Also, probably want to double check what is happening inside that itemsArray.map with a console log on the item parameter.

Good luck debugging.