You must include an `id` for (subclass of DS.Model) in a hash passed to `push`

Beginning to think I’m going mad:

###The setup

Ember: 1.7.0
Ember Data : 1.0.0-beta.9
Handlebars : 1.3.0
jQuery     : 2.1.1

I’m trying to implement a simple blog app. The posts route:

export default = Ember.Route.extend({
  model: function() {

A call to the server is made at the response (as shown in the Chrome developer tools) looks like this:

     ["{\"draft\": true, 
        \"title\": \"Test\", 
        \"updated_at\": \"2014-08-30T11:36:01.406000\", 
        \"text\": \"\", 
        \"created_at\": \"2014-08-30T11:36:01.406000\", 
        \"views\": 0, 
        \"id\": 1, 
        \"slug\": \"test\"}"]

However I get the following error:

Error while processing route: posts.index Assertion Failed: You must include an `id` for (subclass of DS.Model) in a hash passed to `push` Error: Assertion Failed: You must include an `id` for (subclass of DS.Model) in a hash passed to `push`

I don’t understand - since the post returned from the server includes an id - any ideas on what I’m missing?

Ok, seems the issue was with the server serialization to json the ".." in the response noted above was the clue.

Sorting json serialization to ensure the response is this:

    [{"views": 0, 
      "text": "", 
      "created_at": ["2014-08-30", "11:36:01"], 
      "title": "Test", 
      "updated_at": ["2014-08-30", "11:36:01"], 
      "id": 1, 
      "draft": true, 
      "slug": "test"}]

sorted it.