Accessing a Controller Property from Index Template (2.3.0)

New to ember, tried to avoid controllers but after reading up on things it seems like the most convenient way to handle UI state that needs to be available in a route and component. A service seems like overkill this stuff as it only applies to this specific route/template/component stack.

The pattern works fine for top level routes but I haven’t discovered how to make it work for a child template / nested route.


export default Ember.Route.extend({    
    setupController: function(controller, model) {
        this._super(controller, model);
        controller.set("uiStateVariable", "hello");


<h1>{{uiStateVariable}}</h1>  // <h1>hello</h1>


<h2>{{uiStateVariable}}</h2>  // <h2></h2>  (not available here)
{{awesome-component uiStateVariable=uiStateVariable}}  (not available here)

Seems like there was an old pattern of {{controllers.application.uiStateVariable}} but now ember cries foul when it sees that.

// index controller
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
  app: Ember.inject.controller('application')
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Thank you @jasonmit! I did the following and it worked.


export default Ember.Controller.extend({});


export default Ember.Route.extend({    
    setupController: function(controller, model) {
        this._super(controller, model);
        this.controllerFor("index").set("uiStateVariable", "hello");


<h2>{{uiStateVariable}}</h2>  // <h2>hello</h2>  (available here!)
{{awesome-component uiStateVariable=uiStateVariable}}  (available here!)

I was a bit surprised the name of the controller had to be just “index” and not “application-index” or “application.index” (the latter two variations didn’t work). If I have another top level route with an index template will that controller also be called just index?

Edit: Found an old explanation of naming conventions that clears up this concept!