Active model adapter sending request in camelCase instead of snake_case'featured_topic') sends a request /featuredTopics instead of /featured_topics. I use Ember Data : 1.0.0-beta.6+pre.361a00e7 , also checked with the latest build, the same behavior happens. Is it how it should be ? Should I define this separately?

Could you please share how are you setting up your adapter?

    App.Store = DS.Store.extend({
      adapter: 'DS.ActiveModelAdapter'

And the model, this sends req to /featuredTopics with the query'featured_topic')

App.FeaturedTopic = DS.Model.extend({

  topic: DS.belongsTo('topic')


I think your issue is that you have your adapter defined as a string. I don’t use ember-data, but this is how the documentation refers to setting an adapter on the store.

(Go to the actual link since discourse doesn’t respect anchors in the preview).

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You are absolutely right, that worked, thanks :smiley: I was using the code generated by ember-rails which apparently still uses the old version of ember-data. But I installed the latest version of ember-data, checked the transition guide for every other syntax except for configuring adapter . Ah! very dumb! :smiley: