[Answered] How do I enable Explicit Resource Management in a new Ember app?

For anyone curious about the new Explicit Resource Management features coming soon and supported by latest versions of TypeScript here are some steps to enable it in your Ember apps today!



  1. install dependencies
  2. add babel plugin to ember-cli-build.js to enable the plugin
  3. add import to app/app.ts to enable the polyfill


npm install -D @babel/plugin-proposal-explicit-resource-management disposablestack

Enable plugin

In ember-cli-build.js add the following

--- a/ember-cli-babel.js	2025-01-16 21:15:53.949082700 -0500
+++ b/ember-cli-babel.js	2025-01-16 21:16:32.965648714 -0500
@@ -6,6 +6,12 @@
   const app = new EmberApp(defaults, {
     'ember-cli-babel': { enableTypeScriptTransform: true },
+    babel: {
+      plugins: [
+        '@babel/plugin-proposal-explicit-resource-management',
+      ],
+    },
     // Add options here

Enable polyfill

Add this to the top of app/app.ts:

import 'disposablestack/auto';


You can now use the using keyword as well as Symbol.dispose and DisposableStack. Also all the Async variants of that as well.

Here is an example that handles persistent storage via localStorage.

import Service from '@ember/service';

class PersistentStore<T = unknown> {
  data: T
  constructor(readonly key: string) {
    this.data = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(key) ?? '{}') as T;
  [Symbol.dispose]() {
    localStorage.setItem(this.key, JSON.stringify(this.data));

interface FooBarData {
  foo?: string;
  bar?: string;

const FOO_BAR_KEY = 'my-fancy-foo-bar-key';

export default class FooBar extends Service {
  updateFoo(newValue: string) {
    using store = new PersitententStore<FooBarData>(FOO_BAR_KEY);
    store.data.foo = newValue;

  updateBar(newValue: string) {
    using store = new PersitententStore<FooBarData>(FOO_BAR_KEY);
    store.data.bar = newValue;