App no longer runs after upgrading to 3.0 from 2.17.1

Hi all,

I’ve just upgraded from 2.17.1 to 3.0.0 using ember-cli-update. I also ran ember init to parse to see if there were any other changes that needed to be included. I also looked at the ember-new-output diff between the two versions just to be sure I didn’t miss anything.

Now when I run my app, I get the following error in the console.

TypeError: _private.ContainerInstanceCache is undefined

Opening up the stack trace, this is what is shown:

patchContainerInstanceCache    ext.js:313
<anonymous>                    ext.js:312
Module.prototype.exports       loader.js:106
Module.prototype._reify        loader.js:143
Module.prototype.reify         loader.js:130
Module.prototype.exports       loader.js:104
Module.prototype._reify        loader.js:143
Module.prototype.reify         loader.js:130
Module.prototype.exports       loader.js:104
Module.prototype._reify        loader.js:143
Module.prototype.reify         loader.js:130
Module.prototype.exports       loader.js:104
requireModule                  loader.js:27
resolveInitializer             index.js:29
registerInitializers           index.js:42
exports.default                index.js:24
<anonymous>                    app.js:15
Module.prototype.exports       loader.js:106
requireModule                  loader.js:27
<anonymous>                    app-boot.js:2

I’m not 100% sure, but this looks like an issue with an internal refactor in ember-data. As far as I know only ember-data-model-fragments was using the private API (thanks!) and I believe there is a beta version which works with ember-data@3.

Thanks! I’ll give this a shot later today to see if that does the trick! :slight_smile: