Broccoli-babel-transpiler is opting out of caching due to a plugin that does not provide a caching strategy

Hi, I’m getting the following error and don’t know what it means:

14:40:25 broccoli-babel-transpiler is opting out of caching due to a plugin that does not provide a caching strategy: `function embroiderFirstMacrosTransform(env) {
14:40:25         if (!opts.packageRoot && !env.filename) {
14:40:25             throw new Error(`bug in @embroider/macros. Running without packageRoot but don't have filename.`);
14:40:25         }
14:40:25         let packageCache = shared_internals_1.PackageCache.shared('embroider-stage3', opts.appRoot);
14:40:25         let scopeStack = [];
14:40:25         // packageRoot is set when we run inside classic ember-cli. Otherwise we're in
14:40:25         // Embroider, where we can use absolute filenames.
14:40:25         const moduleName = opts.packageRoot ? env.meta.moduleName : env.filename;
14:40:25         return {
14:40:25             name: '@embroider/macros/first',
14:40:25             visitor: {
14:40:25                 Program: {
14:40:25                     enter(node) {
14:40:25                         if (node.blockParams.length > 0) {
14:40:25                             scopeStack.push(node.blockParams);
14:40:25                         }
14:40:25                     },
14:40:25                     exit(node) {
14:40:25                         if (node.blockParams.length > 0) {
14:40:25                             scopeStack.pop();
14:40:25                         }
14:40:25                     },
14:40:25                 },
14:40:25                 SubExpression(node) {
14:40:25                     if (node.path.type !== 'PathExpression') {
14:40:25                         return;
14:40:25                     }
14:40:25                     if (inScope(scopeStack,[0])) {
14:40:25                         return;
14:40:25                     }
14:40:25                     if (node.path.original === 'macroGetOwnConfig') {
14:40:25                         return (0, literal_1.default)((0, get_config_1.default)(node, opts.configs, opts.packageRoot, moduleName, true, packageCache),;
14:40:25                     }
14:40:25                     if (node.path.original === 'macroGetConfig') {
14:40:25                         return (0, literal_1.default)((0, get_config_1.default)(node, opts.configs, opts.packageRoot, moduleName, false, packageCache),;
14:40:25                     }
14:40:25                     if (node.path.original === 'macroDependencySatisfies') {
14:40:25                         return (0, literal_1.default)((0, dependency_satisfies_1.default)(node, opts.packageRoot, moduleName, packageCache),;
14:40:25                     }
14:40:25                 },
14:40:25                 MustacheStatement(node) {
14:40:25                     if (node.path.type !== 'PathExpression') {
14:40:25                         return;
14:40:25                     }
14:40:25                     if (inScope(scopeStack,[0])) {
14:40:25                         return;
14:40:25                     }
14:40:25                     if (node.path.original === 'macroGetOwnConfig') {
14:40:25                         return, literal_1.default)((0, get_config_1.default)(node, opts.configs, opts.packageRoot, moduleName, true, packageCache),;
14:40:25                     }
14:40:25                     if (node.path.original === 'macroGetConfig') {
14:40:25                         return, literal_1.default)((0, get_config_1.default)(node, opts.configs, opts.packageRoot, moduleName, false, packageCache),;
14:40:25                     }
14:40:25                     if (node.path.original === 'macroDependencySatisfies') {
14:40:25                         return, literal_1.default)((0, dependency_satisfies_1.default)(node, opts.packageRoot, moduleName, packageCache),;
14:40:25                     }
14:40:25                 },
14:40:25             },
14:40:25         };
14:40:25     }`.

Are you using ember-power-select or ember-basic-dropdown? Seeing some similar issues caused by ember-maybe-in-element which IIRC is used by both of those addons. The fix was published in emeber-maybe-in-element as far as I can tell so in the worst case you might be able to pin ember-maybe-in-element to 2.1.0.