Hi team,
Ok I’m completely changing of route here (talking about routes LOL)…
I want to build a SPA for an online store, and my goal is to have friendly URLs such as /articles/electronics/audio/players
So far I got my routes like this:
this.route('articles', function(){
this.route('ofCat1', {path: '/:cat_1'});
this.route('ofCat2', {path: '/:cat_1/:cat_2'});
this.route('ofCat3', {path: '/:cat_1/:cat_2/:cat_3'});
As you can see, my routes are not nested beyond the ‘articles’ route, that is because I want to display only one category at a time, if I were to nest them, they cat_1 would show at the same time than cat_2 and cat_3 when I visit the latter.
So I have my menu build via {{#each}}, something like this:
{{#each nav as |item|}}
{{link-to 'articles.ofCat1' item.label}}
{{#each item.subItems as |subItem|}}
{{link-to 'articles.ofCat2' item.label subItem.label}}
{{#each subItem.subItems as |subSubItem|}}
{{link-to 'articles.ofCat3' item.label subSubItem.label subSubItem.label}}
This setup works fine on my development machine, Ubuntu + Chrome + Mouse… But it doesn’t work on iPad + Safari/Chrome/FireFox Touch, neither on Android + Native/Chrome/FireFox + Touch.
I wonder what is happening, Everything works fine on a PC, even one with a touch screen.
Any ideas? Thank you so much!