Directly access dynamic segmented route

I have a problem accessing a nested route, my route schema as follows:

@resource 'center', {path: 'center/:center_title'}, ()->
    @route 'index', {path: '/'}

My CenterRoute object implements the corresponding serializing method:

serialize: (model)-> {center_title: model.get('title')}

Calling the route from inside the application works just as expected, from {{link-to center center_model}} I’m redirected to center.index route at the URL #/center/current_center_title but then I can’t access that same URL by directly type it on the browser. No model hook is called, instead it produce the following error:

Error: Assertion Failed: The URL '/center/current_center_title' did not match any routes in your application

Anyone has experienced something similar?

BTW: the ember version is 1.7.0.beta-4 (can’t update at this point of the project…)
