Can't update template from controller

I need to update template from action. But I use two controllers on one page.

In my template I show a text:

{{myText}} My controller:

export default Ember.Controller.extend({
   myText: 'Hi',
   init: function()  {
   actions: {
    reload: function() {
        this.set('myText', 'Bye');

I change it from another controller from someFun:

export default Ember.Controller.extend({
    needs: ['another'],
    someFun: function() {

It calls reload action (I tested). But it doesn’t change template. It still shows Hi but should change to Bye. Also reload action calls init.

Ember version is 1.8

Hmm, seems like a good question for StackOverflow. Would you mind posting it there along with a Twiddle showing your issue?

Hm…how are you invoking this someFun function?

By default .send does not creates a runloop. This means if you are invoking the function directly from console, the change would not get flushed to the template. Try wrapping the content of someFun in a runloop.

someFun: function() {, function() {