I have been trying to understand ember, and got little understanding. I had posted a question here before but didnt got reply; and now I am posting a new question here.
I have created a common search form in the application.hbs which have two dropdowns, I want to have url like http://localhost:4200/search/:cityid/:groupid/ but it dont load the data, when I transition into the url, If I refresh the browser it loads the data from rest.
I checked by converting these to query string parameters and that are working fine but I need to have a cleaner url.
I have posted the question on ember cli - emberjs load the model data with search - Stack Overflow with all the details
I am now getting following error,
Error: Assertion Failed: The value that #each loops over must be an Array. You passed {citySef: Lahore, group: An}
So its a simple search form, where I have group model, and city model, and in search result I am loading users with certain group within a city.
When I press the submit button I get the assertion failed error, and URL is changed. Now if I reload the URL it loads the proper data
I also tried to change it to array
this.transitionToRoute('search', {citySef:citySef, group:group});
var arr = [];
arr['citySef'] = citySef;
arr['group'] = group;
this.transitionToRoute('search', arr);
but this time I see url change but there no call to server to load the data and there is no error.
Now as the URL is changed, i clicked back in browser it loads the previous page, clicking on next from browser did load the users. So I press the search it change URL without any result, i click back and forward and it loads the result.
solved it by https://github.com/emberjs/ember.js/issues/2904
now trying to set the controller dropdown values as per url
Able to load the values in dropdown, by following
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
needs: 'application',
selectedGroup: Ember.computed.alias('controllers.application.selectedGroup'),
selectedCity: Ember.computed.alias('controllers.application.selectedCity'),
So selectedGroup and selectedCity both are two variables in the application, and are bind with dropdowns. and in routes/search.js I have used setupController
controller.set('selectedGroup', models.query.group);
controller.set('selectedCity', models.query.citySef);
Any one can help me with the pagination with laravel? I am trying serializer but I think it is not getting called. console.log()
is not executing in serializer. Question is posted here ember data - emberjs with laravel pagination - Stack Overflow as well