Could not find watchman, falling back to NodeWatcher for file system events

I just updated to Ember-CLI v0.1.4 on ubuntu 14.04 (NOT Windows) and followed all of the instructions for setup and upgrading my project. However, now I get the following warning:

kiffin@T431s:book-ember-cli-101 $ ember s
version: 0.1.4
Could not find watchman, falling back to NodeWatcher for file system events
Livereload server on port 35729
Serving on

Build successful - 509ms.

So why can’t it find watchman any more?

Also created a Github Issue.

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I also updated to Version: 0.1.4 and i’m having the same issue.

@rwjblue Just for clarification, watchman on npm is not the same as that one, correct? It should be installed via Brew.?.

Correct, they are not the same thing.

Excuse my ignorance but what’s the benefit of using Watchman over NodeWatcher? Native file watching vs shimming through node?

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My understanding is that watchman allows file watching using fewer file descriptors by watching a directory root for changes below it instead of watching files individually…

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I am having the same message displayed and I have installed watchmen using brew. If I try to run brew install watchman, I get the following message: watchman-3.0.0 already installed

Any ideas how can I fix this?

Thank you

Just for information’s sake I have a similar error to @mupkoo . My order of events was:

> ember --version
version: 0.2.0
Could not find watchman, falling back to NodeWatcher for file system events
node: 0.12.0
npm: 2.7.0

Installed watchman on Mac

> brew install watchman
> ember --version
version: 0.2.0
invalid watchman found, version: [2.9.8] did not satisfy [^3.0.0], falling back to NodeWatcher
node: 0.12.0
npm: 2.7.0

Tried to update to HEAD for watchman

> brew unlink watchman
> brew install --HEAD watchman
> ember --version
version: 0.2.0
Could not find watchman, falling back to NodeWatcher for file system events
node: 0.12.0
npm: 2.7.0

Something is going on (on the Mac at least) where it both wants but doesn’t recognize watchman 3.0.0

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which -a

Will tell you which watchmans you have. I suspect you installed the one from npm by mistake.

npm uninstall -g watchman

Will likely help

its working fine. Is there any way if I want to fix Wathman because here it is falling back to NodeWatcher.

I also had a run-in with this situation. For Ubuntu users, this short post is how I got unstuck.