Create same namespace for a specific set of models instead of creating individual adapters for individual models

How to create different generic adapter for a set of models instead of creating individual adapters for individual models including application level adapter. I have a requirement to merge the sub application project to the same applications.So that the routers namespace should me differentiated.

You could create an adapter that has the configuration you need for one set of models and then just import that adapter and extend it in that model’s adapter.


import DS from 'ember-data';
export default DS.JSONAPIAdapter.extend({
  host: ''


import GenericAdapter from './generic';
export default GenericAdapter.extend({

Hi jhliberty, If there say some 10 models like users,roles, etc. I dont want to create 10 adapters for each.Is there any way to use generic adapter for all 10 model without extended the individual model adapter.