Deletion of records only works the first time. Uncaught TypeError: view.destroy is not a function

I’m trying to write a todo app with Ember. I’m following some guides, but I’m not doing things exactly as the guide and deletion of records is not working.

This is what I’ve got: router {
  this.route('home', {'path': '/'});
  this.resource('todos', {'path': '/todos' }, function() {
    this.resource('todo', {'path':  ':/todo_id' })
    this.route('new', {'path': '/new'} )

todo-details component

  {{#if isEditing}}
    {{input type="text" class="edit" value=todo.title focus-out="acceptChanges" insert-newline="acceptChanges"}}
    {{input type="checkbox" class="toggle" checked=todo.isCompleted}}
    <label {{action 'editTodo' on 'doubleClick'}}>{{todo.title}}</label><button class="destroy" {{action 'destroyTodo'}}></button>


import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Component.extend({
  tagName: 'li',
  classNameBindings: ['completed'],
  completed: function() {
    return this.get('todo.isCompleted');
  actions: {
    editTodo: function() {
      this.set('isEditing', true);
    acceptChanges: function() {
      this.set('isEditing', false);
      this.sendAction('edit', this.get('todo'));
    destroyTodo: function() {
      this.sendAction('destroy', this.get('todo'));

todos.index template

{{input type="text" id="new-todo" placeholder="What needs to be done?" value=newValue action="createTodo"}}

<section id="main">
    <ul id="todo-list">
        {{#each model as |todo|}}
            {{todo-item todo=todo edit="editTodo" destroy="destroyTodo"}}

    <input type="checkbox" id="toggle-all">

<footer id="footer">
    <span id="todo-count">
        <strong>2</strong> todos left
    <ul id="filters">
            <a href="all" class="selected">All</a>
            <a href="active">Active</a>
            <a href="completed">Completed</a>

    <button id="clear-completed">
        Clear completed (1)

todos.index controller

import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Controller.extend({
  actions: {
    createTodo: function() {
      var newTodo ='todo', {title: this.get('newValue'), isCompleted: false});
      this.set('newValue', '');
    editTodo: function(todo) {
      if (Ember.isEmpty(todo.get('title'))) {
        this.send('destroyTodo', todo);
      else {;
    destroyTodo: function(todo) {

The first time I want to delete a todo record, it successfully does it, but it logs to the console Uncaught TypeError: view.destroy is not a function. From there on, it stops deleting todos.

In case it’s useful:


It seems like you named a handler “destroyTodo”, but sending an action named “destroy”.

Yes, because when I call the component from the index controller I’m passing destroy as being equal to destroyTodo.

<ul id="todo-list">
        {{#each model as |todo|}}
            {{todo-item todo=todo edit="editTodo" destroy="destroyTodo"}}

I am not sure, but it seems you just pass parameter to a component named “destroy”. Does this also affect action name?

Can you try to send action named “destroyTodo”?

That was my first setup. From the template I was calling a component action and inside there I was sendting the action destroyTodo to the route/controller. It didn’t work. After re-reading the documentation on components I found out that when you are going to use the sendAction method inside the component, the value you pass to this function needs to be a variable that you setup when calling the component. Summary:

- component is being called from todos.index template and destroy=destroyTodo is passed as well
- component template calls its destroyTodo action when button is clicked. 
- destroyTodo action in todos.index controller is callled by sending destroy action from destroyTodo action in component.