I’ve been working on this for a couple of days to no avail. I’m trying to destroy a record in Ember (using Ember-Rails gem), but it keeps coming back! The only way to completely get rid of it is to refresh the page. I opened Ember Inspector and here’s what I noticed:
- The Object is seemingly removed from the Array, as the length is ‘0’; however, when it is the only item on the page and it is deleted, it is removed from the Last Object, but remains in the First Object spot.
- Once the item is deleted, it has the index value of -1. When it reappears and you attempt to delete it again, it says “Uncaught Error: Attempted to handle event deleteRecord on Blocmarks.Bookmark:ember588:null while in state root.deleted.saved.”
- I checked the server logs and it is being deleted. I am returning a 204 code.
Here’s my controller code (destroyBookmark is the relevant action):
Blocmarks.BookmarksController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
needs: ['current_user', 'topic'],
actions: {
createLike: function(bookmark){
controller = this;
if (bookmark.get('likedByCurrentUser') == true){
alert("Nope. You've already liked this once!");
} else {
this.store.find('bookmark', bookmark.id).then(function (bookmark) {
var like = controller.store.createRecord('like', {bookmark: bookmark, likedByCurrentUser: true});
bookmark.set('likedByCurrentUser', true);
destroyLike: function(bookmark, likes, user){
this.store.find('like', {bookmark_id: bookmark.id, user_id: user.id}).then(function(likes){
destroyBookmark: function(bookmark) {
updateBookmarkToggleOn: function(bookmark){
bookmark.set('isUpdating', true);
updateBookmark: function(bookmark, url){
bookmark.set('url', url);
bookmark.set('isUpdating', false);
I’m using the default Ember route as Bookmarks are nested under an individual topic.
Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?