Hi Toran!! First of all a big thank you for such a helpful reply from you. It really makes me happy.
I just saw the sample application you have posted and it is exactly what I was looking for.
I had already seen your file uploader example yesterday before asking this question but just wasn’t sure what is the minimum required setup. Now I know it, and in case of doubt I can compare the two. I’ll answer the questions below.
1.) can you leverage something like node.js / npm to build the assets with grunt or do you need something in pure python?
A: Yes. Although I have not used grunt yet, I am very keen on learning it, along with Yeoman.
2.) what version of django can you use for this project?
A: I am using 1.5
3.) assuming the answer to #2 is 1.3 / 1.4 / 1.5 -what REST api framework will you layer on top of core django? do you have a
A: I have decided to use Django REST Framework. I have built a test API on my Django models as a learning exercise, few days ago.
4.) do you want to start out with vanilla models or would you need a full blow object store for the javascript application (something like
ember-data or ember-model) ?
A: Since I am learning ember, I would want to try out both these approaches so that I can make an informed decision when the time comes. I am aware of the unstability of ember-data but still wanted to use it( or maybe the EPF)
“here is my generic answer w/out knowing any of the above. First I
would scaffold your django models like you would in any django app.
Next I would pip install the django-rest-framework (my REST api of
choice). Then I would learn grunt to build a client side build step
that could compile your handlebars templates (using npm) Finally I
would write a really simple ember app that uses a single model from
the REST api (running grunt locally to see it all work).”
I would follow your advice and revert to you in case of problems.
"If you want to pair up sometime next week ping my gmail w/ a day and
time that works for you
toranb [at] gmail"
That is extremely generous and helpful of you. I really do not want to take up your precious time with on this, especially that you have given me all that is needed to get started. Moreover, I would like to save your offer for a time when I am in more complex situation.(If that’s all right with you