Ember.select helper not working in Ember 2.3

Dear Members,

I am not able to generate ember.select in Ember 2.3. Please tell alternate to it.

{{Ember.select }} ----------- is not working

and also while trying to create select component

export default Ember.Select.extend({ }),

it generated an error on console saying Ember.select is not defined.

Please tell me a way to use Ember.select in Ember 2.3



Ember.select was deprecated in 1.13 and thus removed from 2.x

I m well aware of this. I asked for alternate to Ember.select

http://www.ember-power-select.com/ has been very good for me so far

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Sorry but we cant use external api or solutions other than provide by Ember as per our company policy. Please tell the code or how can a Ember.select component b created in Ember 2.3 cli

You can get the full source for power select and there is currently no official way to do selects so if you need that then you’re out of luck at the moment.

Just a friendly tip, it’d be helpful if you were clearer initially and a bit more polite to people who have tried to help. Manners cost nothing but they are always appreciated.


On Mar 11, 2016, at 8:03 PM, Deepak Negi (Sunny) noreply@emberjs.com wrote:

Deepak_Negi_Sunny March 11 Sorry but we cant use external api or solutions other than provide by Ember as per our company policy. Please tell the code or how can a Ember.select component b created in Ember 2.3 cli

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In Reply To

ricky1981 March 11 http://www.ember-power-select.com/ has been very good for me so far Visit Topic or reply to this email to respond

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It seems as if something did hurt you which I didn’t mean to u or anyone and u said truly manners cost nothing and so does observations. Again “plz” be very clear.

you can create your own select component (exemple) or just use plain HTML select + an isEqual helper

Dear I tried it but this component is not able to rotate an array of objects where id fields and name fields ll always have different names.

not sure to understand your question, with “rotate” you mean use different object properties for <option> value and inner text?

in that case, if you want one component to select all your objects you can mimic the old Ember.Select by creating a valuePath and descriptionPath, then your component will be able to work with any kind of objects.

But then you are replicating the work done by ember-power-select or emberx-select. If you can’t use any external library you are doomed to replicate a lot of already-done work

If you just need to implement a simple select component, I’d recommend checking out GitHub - DavyJonesLocker/ember-one-way-controls: Native one way input

If you can’t use the addon directly, you can copy the code for the {{one-way-select}} component into your app.

See this post: http://balinterdi.com/2015/08/29/how-to-do-a-select-dropdown-in-ember-20.html. Balint shows you how to create a select using straight Ember. That said, my vote would be for ember-power-select.