Ember.select : valueBinding Event is not triggering in Safari

Hello Guys,

I am facing some issue for Ember.select,valuebinding event is not triggering in safari browser,I tried selectionBinding also it executes only once when we launch the view first time…

Here is a close snippet :

.hbs code

{{view Ember.Select prompt="Please choose one" contentBinding=postsCategories classNames="form-control" optionValuePath="content._id" optionLabelPath="content.name" id="categorySelector" valueBinding=selectedCategory }}

controller code :

selectedCategory: function() { return this.get(‘category’); }.property(“category”),

Please help me in resolving this.

Thanks, Ashutosh

Hi Ashutosh,

I am facing the same issue particularly in Safari browser .

Anybody found a solution on the same?

Also, I use validator mixin from ember.
