Exclude assets from minify/uglify?

Is there a way to exclude certain files or directories from the public directory to be minified/uglified when building for productions?

It’s quite annoying to have some hard references to assets being broken because the minify/uglify process changes the file names. Right now, after a production build, I remove the randomized code from those file names, which is a painstaking task.

If you’re using EmberCLI, it’s supposed to accept an option for excluding/disabling fingerprinting ( [CLI Fingerprint] [1]). Examples taken from the link.

var app = new EmberApp({
  fingerprint: {
    enabled: false


var app = new EmberApp({
   fingerprint: {
     exclude: ['fonts/169929'],
     prepend: 'https://subdomain.cloudfront.net/'
Also, since you mention minify/uglify specifically

minifyCSS: { enabled: false }, minifyJS: { enabled: false }

  [1]: http://www.ember-cli.com/user-guide/#fingerprinting-and-cdn-urls

Not sure how I could have missed that in the Ember CLI docs. Thank you!

Underneath brocoli-asset-rev is used (for fingerprinting)I think there are some settings that’re available but not in cli docs. https://github.com/rickharrison/broccoli-asset-rev/blob/master/README.md