Getting an Error after deploying to Tomcat

This is the first time I’ve deployed an Ember App. I’m getting the following error after I deploy to Tomcat and attempt to run my Ember App:

Uncaught UnrecognizedURLError: /index.html

Deployed using the following method from another post:

• Open config/environment.js • You could see baseURL as / . Change it to /your_app_root_folder (e.g: /myember) that will be stored under tomcat webapps/ folder. • In terminal, execute ‘ember build production’ • Now, copy /dist and paste it in tomcat webapps/ • rename /dist to /your_app_root_folder (e.g: /myember) • Start tomcat and connect localhost:port/myember/index.html in browser.

Any ideas on how to solve?


Hey, did you solved it ?

Try localhost:port/myember/.

Ember tries to recognise your path /index.html as route, but it’s should be a route and it shouldn’t be part of the URL.

My ember app pointing to another internal server so when proxy this to that server…it is working in local but when i deployed my app in tomcat then call is not getting redirect to that server. what could be the issue ?