I deployed my Ember App to a Tomcat development server on my system. I copied all the files from the dist folder in my Ember-CLI environment to a folder on my Tomcat server called static-ember.
When I use the URL http://localhost:8080/static-ember/index.html my page partially loads(I see its light blue background) and when I check Elements(I’m using Chrome) it show the correct mark up for my index.html. However I am get the following errors:
if (environment === 'production') { ENV.baseURL = '/dist'; }
Then ran $ ember build --environment=production in CLI to build the production-ready files. (I’m in the root of each folder though, so you would need to address sub-folders if you were not.)
i had similar issues when i was trying to deploy my ember app for the first time in webserver.
Solution is to go with some app-specific baseURL instead of “/”.
1)Before deploying to tomcat,make sure to change your base url and confirm if you are able to see it working.